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Fitness Sled

Fitness Sled

Although there are many snow lovers among us fitness sled, for others, the cold and the winter blues can be a major obstacle to health and fitness.

Because opportunities favorite outdoor activities such as gardening, cycling or swimming, are reduced fitness can sometimes fall on the side of the fitness sled road during the winter. In addition, the desire to stay at home decreased by exposure to sunlight, which can lead to vitamin D deficiency and / or SAD fitness sled.

To avoid these pitfalls, you need not look further than the hobby of childhood beloved winter sled.

While zooming in on a hill at breakneck speed not appear to be a workout, the sled can actually burn more than 450 calories per hour, fitness sled especially uphill trudge after reaching the bottom. But sled also has other advantages. Getting runners in the sun can increase the levels of vitamin D and exposure to full spectrum light, which can improve energy levels and promote well-being.

In addition to this, however, the sled is just fun, it has health benefits of its own. Participate in enjoyable activities acts as a kind of safety valve, helping to reduce stress levels. Fitness sled stress reduction, in turn, can lead to lower blood pressure, stronger immune system, more energy and a happier life in general.

In addition, sleigh ride is a hobby relatively inexpensive fitness sled. You can find flying saucers or snow tubing in any grocery store and discounts for less than $ 20, and even a steerable sled runner can be purchased for less than $ 75. It is also possible to improvise a sled household items. College students have been used for fitness sled decades cafeteria trays.

Before leaving the intention of reviving their favorite childhood memories, however, it is important to take some safety measures fitness sled.

- Always wear a helmet in a collision. Although no specific helmets only sled, bike, skateboard or fitness sled ski helmet work well.

- Be sure to wear warm waterproof clothing, including gloves or mittens, snow pants, a winter coat and snow boots fitness sled.

- Do not use an article of clothing or other loose scarf. These can easily get stuck in a sleigh and pose a risk of strangulation.

- Choose a hill that has a long surface flat on the bottom so that you can drag to a stop.

- Do not sled on the hills near the end of a street or parking lot.

- sled away from trees, fences, large potholes, rocks and other hazards.

- Never sled across a body of water, even if you think you can freeze.

- Only sled during the day or in a well lit area.

With all this in mind, you are ready to enjoy one of the most timeless and healthy winter activities fitness sled. Wheeee!

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